I have chosen a different life, a happy and healthy life. What about you?

“How are you?” I asked my neighbour when meeting him this morning in the elevator to the car park. “Ok, not bad.”, his answer, “And how are you?”. “Wonderful! Thank you.” – “Oh, you are a lucky man.”

How often people answer this basic question regarding somebody’s well-being as my neighbor did? Is it that they have so many problems around, that a day “not bad” is already a good day? Are they used to live with problems and can’t see how much positive things happen around every day?

Every of my days is a wonderful day. Because I allow them to be good ones 🙂

Things are happening. We can’t change them. But we can decide how we perceive them and how we react. If they are good or bad, we can decide. If we want to be angry or just stay indifferent, we can decide.

It’s also in our power to decide which things we want to see. Are you a person who is always seeing problems around you? Or are you able to see an abundance of positive things happening in your life?

Take a five minute break and think, visualize or write down what positive things happened today:

  • I’m alive, healthy and without pain, as my family is.
  • I had a deep relaxing sleep and feel energized.
  • I had a place and silence to do my morning yoga practice.
  • I had time for the practice since my wife brought our kids to school.
  • The traffic was flowing smoothly on the way to my wife’s office.
  • I had a good talk with my wife in the car.
  • My wife gave me a kiss and a loving smile when I dropped her at her office.

You get the idea? It’s not difficult to find the positive things when you just decide to look out for them.

And observe how you feel after listing all the positive things which already happened today. I felt very positive and grateful. And I felt strong; whatever negative will come next, it can’t affect my good mood since so much positive things already happened! I made my day!

What are you waiting for? Make your day!

Love and light, Volker

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